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Letter to the editor: Environmental insanity | TribLIVE.com
Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Environmental insanity


Hopefully, the talk of banning gas stoves marked the beginning of the end of the radical climate change movement. It’s becoming a bad joke.

The effort to switch from internal combustion engine-powered vehicles to EVs sounded like it made good environmental sense, but we are learning that it does not, because it will require an impossible increase in the power grid and the use of large batteries. The truth is that the production of these metal-ion batteries is far more polluting, costly and dangerous than ever considered. One typical EV battery is 1,000 pounds, but it requires the mining of 250,000 pounds of earth and the consumption of 50,000 gallons of fresh water. And these batteries can spontaneously catch fire, which is very difficult to put out with water and produces toxic fumes. Some entities are banning the parking of EVs in indoor garages. Do you want your child on an EV school bus?

Now the climate Nazis are trying to ban everything involving hydrocarbon fuels, which won’t reduce indoor pollution because such pollution is caused by chemicals in carpets, fabrics and cleaning materials.

The idea of banning gas appliances is environmental insanity. The planet would be far better served if we would work to increase the use of clean burning natural gas, its efficiency and safe handling.

Bob Jacobs


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